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Chemistry 30 A & B: How do I find articles?

Photo of 12 magazine covers.

Videos to Get You Started!

Click the tabs below to locate the two videos and key features to learn more about library databases.

What is Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed Articles?

8 stick figures with the words peer evaluationPeer-reviewed articles go through a process which an author's peers (researchers and scholars in the field) read and evaluate the paper/article.  It is an indicator of quality scholarship in a discipline. 

Limit Your Results to Just Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed Articles!

Click the "Peer Reviewed" checkbox before you press "Search".

Peer reviewed check box as found in a database

cartoon image of a surprised face saying wowLibrary databases will...

Image of a check mark...provide you more search terms to try. 
After pressing "Search", find more search terms under "Subject".


Image of a check mark...generate citations in APA format.
Click an article title and then find the "Cite" button. Always double check for accuracy.


Image of a check, email, print, & save your full-text article.  
Discover which one works best to get you organized.


Explore the databases to find these features and more. Happy searching!

Try these library databases!