This is a link to the master list of research databases from the MPC Library. I recommend you check this list out as we do have a great collection of research databases. If you are off campus, it will ask you for your LoboApps login when accessing a database. If you have any questions please come to the MPC Library Reference Desk located on the main floor of the library. Below are a few recommended databases that are popular for certain subjects and types of research needs.
Full-text magazines across a broad range of subject areas.
Full-text newspaper articles from 700 newspapers including Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, The Times (UK), Irish Times (Ireland), The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), and more. Also includes television and radio news transcripts.
Full Text of the WSJ 1984 - present including online content. Browse print edition by date
Plot summaries, synopses, literary criticism, & author biographies. Includes MagillOnLiterature.
Classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, and critical essays.
The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
Full-text of all APA peer-reviewed journals. Covers Psychology and related fields.
Full-text of psychology and behavioral science journals.
A point-of-care resource intended for staff nurses, nurse administrators, nursing students, nurse faculty, and hospital librarians. Includes Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses and several other standard reference books.
Scholarly journal and magazine articles within nursing, medical, and allied health disciplines.
Offers complete coverage of English-language nursing journals including 765 active full-text journals spanning various disciplines in nursing and allied health.
Full-text health magazines covering nutrition, childcare, and general health.