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Dream Career: MLA Style

What is MLA Format?

MPC Library MLA 9th Edition Handout

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used in the arts and humanities, for example, English, for citing sources in student research papers.

The purpose of citing these sources is:

  • To avoid plagiarism
  • To inform readers about the sources you used.
  • To give credit to the original creator of information you used in your research papers
If you are asked to use MLA format, be sure to consult the MLA Handbook, 9th Edition, available at the MPC Library, reference stacks, REF LB 2369 .M52 2021.

                         MLA Handbook 9th edition book cover


General Guidelines for the Whole Works Cited Page

1. Center the title Works Citedone inch from the top of the page.
2. Double space between the title and the first entry.
3. Each entry should begin flush with the left margin.  If the entry is more than one line, indent the next line or lines one-half inch (or 5 spaces).
4. Make sure each individual citation is double spaced and that the entire works cited page is uniformly double spaced.
5. Alphabetize the list.

MLA Citation Style Handout

This is a link to the MLA Citation Style handout that was available in class. It is also available at the MPC Library Reference Desk.


Many of the MPC databases provide MLA and APA citation formatting, but they are not always formatted correctly.  Also, other online citation makers are not always accurate. It is important to check their accuracy against a citation style guide like this guide.