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Library 50 Spr. 2025, section 0818, Instructor Duong: Home

Welcome to Library 50

Thank you for enrolling in LIBR 50, "Introduction to Library and Research Skills." This information page will help you get started with the class. Make sure you look at the information linked here to the right. 
The class syllabus has the information for the class. There are also instructions on how to get set up and log into Canvas ( our online class environment) via Lobo Apps. 
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. You can:

  • Email me at with any questions or problems
  • Send me a message in Canvas using the Canvas Inbox located on the left side of the class homepage
  • Come see me at the reference desk, Wednesday 8am - 1pm 
  • Get assistance from the librarians using the library online help

This is an eight-week class.  Please log in to the class on the first day of the class which begins on Monday, January 27.  Our LIB 50 class ends on Tuesday, March 18. 
                                    The class is accessible in Canvas on Wednesday, January 22.

  • If you do not log in to the class by Friday, Jan. 31, you will be dropped from the class for being a 'no show'.
  • You also need to submit all the quizzes and the assignments in Unit 1 and Unit 2 by Tuesday, Feb. 4, or you will be dropped from the class.
  • If students miss two assignments, they will be dropped from the class.

Since this is an online class, it is important to keep on top of things. If you run into any problems, please let me know...communication is important! 

I look forward to working with you.  Please feel free to ask questions and good luck with the class!
Thu Duong

Class Syllabus

Lobo Apps Login to Access Library 50 Class in Canvas