Thank you for enrolling in LIBR 50, "Introduction to Library and Research Skills." This website has been set up with information that will help you get started with the class.
Communication is important!! Let me know if you have any questions or if you run into any problems. To get in touch with me, you can:
- Email/Message me through the Inbox function in the class environment (Inbox is on the left side of the class homepage and is the primary way we communicate in class). This is the best way to get a hold of me as I am always checking my Inbox in class.
- Email me directly at with any questions or problems (though it is best to contact me via Inbox in the class).
- Call me at my office at (831) 645-1382 and leave a message if I do not answer though (though the Inbox in Canvas is your best bet).
- You should expect a response from me within 24 hours (though it may be a little longer on weekends)
Additional ways to contact MPC Library for help
- Ask for help from any reference librarian on duty at the MPC Library Reference Desk or call the Reference Desk at (831) 646-4262. We also have online reference available from the MPC Library Online Help Page.
Our class starts on Monday, August 19. Full participation in Library 50 is required so make sure that you log in regularly (at least a couple of times a week as I do send out communications regularly) and complete all class readings and submissions of your work.
- If you do not log in to our class and at least click on the syllabus link by Friday, August 23, you will be dropped from the class for being a no show (though you should be working on the class by this time).
- You also need to submit all Unit 1 assignments and quiz by Tuesday, August 27, or you will be dropped from the class for 'failure to launch'.
I look forward to working with you...please feel free to ask questions and good luck with the class!
Bill Easton
Instruction/Reference Librarian (and your instructor for Library 50!)
(831) 645-1382
Class will be available online starting Friday morning, August 16 (the Friday before the class starts)