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Citations: Articles


Magazine Article
(in print or from a library database)

Author. (Date of publication). Article title. Magazine Title, Volume number (Issue number), original page numbers.

Matthes, R. (2018, November/December). Your relationship bill of rights. Psychology Today, 51(6), 72-29.

Journal Article
(in print or from a library database)

Author. (Date of publication). Article title. Journal TitleVolume number (Issue number), original page numbers.

Evans, R. W. & Ghosh, K. (2018). A survey of neurologists on post-concussion syndrome. Headache: The Journal of Head &Face Pain, 58(6), 836-844.

Journal Article
(with a DOI number*)

Author. (Date of publication). Article title. Journal Title, Volume number (Issue number), original page numbers. doi number

Johnston, O. G., Derella, O. J., & Burke, J. D. (2018). Identification of oppositional defiant disorder in young adult college students. Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 40(4), 563-572.

Newspaper Article
(in print or from a library database)

Author. (Date of publication). Article title. Newspaper Title. Original page numbers.

Craig, T. (2018, November 18). After deadliest fire in California history, search for human remains begins. Washington Post, A8.

Article from a Webpage**
(cite as you would an article in print/database and add the url at the end)


Author. (Date of publication). Article title. Publication Title, Volume number (Issue number). URL of webpage

Schrobsdorff, A. (2016, October 27). Teen depression and anxiety: Why the kids are not alright. Time, 188(19).

Hutson, M. (2019, December 9). Can artificial intelligence increase our morality. Psychology Today.

*If there is a DOI number, use this format (XXXXX is where the actual doi number goes):


**Some online articles may be missing some information such as volume and issue number or original page numbers because the article was only published online. If something is missing, you do not include it and move on to the next thing. This is true of all citations.

What is APA Format?

APA stands for American Psychological Association.  APA Style is used to write papers and cite sources in the sciences such as nursing, psychology, and social sciences.
The purpose of citing sources is:

  • To avoid plagiarism
  • To give credit to the original creator of information you used in your research paper
  • To inform readers of the sources you used

If you are asked to use APA format, be sure to consult the APA Publication Manual (6th edition), available at the MPC Library.

Online Access (Spring 2020) to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association!


Many of the MPC databases provide MLA and APA citation formatting, but they are not always formatted correctly.  Also, other online citation makers are not always accurate. It is important to check their accuracy against a citation style guide like this guide.